Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i might have ADD

Well my faithful readers, i think i have ADD. for some reason i cant seem to focus on what i am writing about. its really true i cant. In English last year i seem to get a C- on every exam i got.... maybe because i just couldn't believe the crap i wrote, my mind just waltzed away and thought about what kind of hamburger helper i had and will have . I also thought about how fake i felt writing a kiss ass paper. The truth is the teachers won't let me write how i felt about the book. i had to write about the themes that surrounded the damn book. Every time i asked if i could write about how i felt i just got that simple head shake from Ms. Tierney. Why cant i just say that book was shit, this book is shit and the last one before that one was shit? I am tired of writing ( Note: i was writing about ADD and now im talking about my school essays). so i have proved that i need help. GREAT!!

sad sad Romen

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